Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Benedict Cumberbatch and India:

Since I have named my blog benedictcumberbatchindia, (if looked through properly, it reads benedict cumberbatch india, the legible versions of this name was already taken on bloggers) I thought it only makes sense to lay down as many connections as are there between Benedict and India. Here’s what I found:

He once taught English to Buddhist monks in Darjeeling, a small, beautiful, slightly touristy place in Eastern part of India. That's all I found, other than of course the fact that, he played a character called "Khan", who in previous Star Trek ventures has been described as "a North Indian Sikh". Well I shall not comment on this any further. Am slightly confused, a North Indian Sikh named Khan, played by a white British guy... Hmm. It's probably a small world.

Now that I am done with the India part of Benedict, I would like to focus more on the main topic of this blog, BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH! More to come, hopefully!

It’s always a good practice to site sources for anything, so here they are:

PS: Since there are already some variations of his name floating on the net (examples: Beautiful Cumbercookies (OK...), Benediction Chumbawumba(why??), and Bandersnatch Cummerbund) I am jumping into the bandwagon and trying an Indian version of it. Here it goes:

Benidayal Cumropotash 

Not a great one I guess, but please put in some innovative ones in comments, if you ever read this!